Common Mistakes Among Beginner Bettors

Horse racing is one of the most exciting endeavours that a person can jump in to. The thrill of the races, the powerful horses on the track, the various betting options that are available, and the chance to walk away with real winnings. But finding success in horse racing is not something that most bettors can achieve right away, and it can take some patient and more than a few mistakes before a bettor can pride themselves on a well-deserved win.

Here we will look at some of the more common mistakes are made by those that are brand new to the world of horse racing betting and why they are worth avoiding.

The Public Delusion

Most of the people that go out and put money down on a horse will almost always choose an animal that they like personally. This is a rule that goes for most sports – people will gravitate toward what they know and like.

The problem is, of course, that the odds don’t care about what a bettor likes or dislikes. In fact, most bookmakers will keep a close eye on what kind of wagers the general public is taking out and then stack the odds against them, which is why so many people tend to lose. It’s always better to put money on a horse based on research and performance history.

Taking It Too Quickly

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of watching a favourite horse speed toward the finish line, especially if the bettor happened to put all of their money down on that one animal, as is common to do. But nothing is ever certain, and it doesn’t take long for a different horse to catch up and take over.

This is why it’s never a good idea for a bettor to put all of their money down on a single wager, especially if they are new to it. Instead, they should rather make small but frequent bets over time, giving them the chance to avoid losing too much money all at once while also increasing their overall chances of winning a bet, similar to how success can be found on through repeated attempts.

Avoiding Study Time

The difference between a seasoned veteran bettor and a beginner – apart from experience – is the amount of research that they put into their bets. This can involve looking at the history of the horse, who trained it, who kind of races it has won and lost, whether it has participated over the last few months, its health record, and more. It might seem like a lot to do at first, but it can often mean the difference between winning and losing a bet. Research is vital in the world of horse racing betting, and it’s the cornerstone of sustained, long-term success.

Choose A Reputable Bookie

A bookmaker can truly make or break the success of a bettor, so it’s vital to find a bookie that offers fair play, is well-regarded among the betting crowd, and has plenty of event coverage.

Choosing a bad bookie is nothing short of a recipe for disaster, so again it can be rewarding in the long-term to find one that has great reviews and a reputation.

Robyn Barnes